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Dr Mike Yeadon

One of the best interviews I’ve seen with Dr Mike Yeadon, former Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer of Allergy & Respiratory at Pfizer Global R&D. Feels like he read my blog out loud :)


George Green | NWO Insider | 2017

George Green is the author of Handbook to a New Paradigm—a book to help awaken humanity to the coming collapse, mass depopulation program, and the current times we’re now facing.

Although I’m not sure of the validity of some of his claims, the things he states are in parallel to a lot of the other New World Order Insiders, so I thought I’d edit down the long interview into clips to have as a comparative reference.


Denver International Airport

You can’t say it’s not interesting. No wonder they had to dedicate a shit-load of money to try and ridicule the conspiracy theories. Have you seen this?
