Thunderstorm Asthma – questioning cause & natural remedies
Need to resolve the thunderstorm asthma mystery because its possibly affecting me and others that I know. Pondering potential conspiracy about toxins/poison in the air, or other potential causes – mould, thunderstorm asthma being a legitimate thing (though I’d never heard of it even after spending a lifetime in hospital from chronic asthma – just seems weird.. that it’s “never come up”), poor diet, nocebo (opposite of placebo effect) or.. just bringing it about due to “mass-consciousness” beliefs.
Focus to try and naturally remedy the situation is to “add more greens” like Spinach, Silverbeet, Kale, Broccoli (best green food for lungs), add green supplements (Spirulina, Chlorella, & maybe Wheatgrass), and drink less “latte’s” and add more herbal teas for lungs, cellular-regeneration & immune boosting.
Not mentioned in video but I’ll also be boosting my intake of:
Turmeric (anti-inflammatory)
Eucalyptus vapor
Walnuts (for many reasons including anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, good for respiratory ailments)
Cinnamon (helps support the respiratory & sinus & mucosal linings. Vital for protection against air-borne infectious diseases.)
Dates (antioxdants, anti-inflammatory
Apricots (supports respiratory tract linings, and lowers the risk of lung infections)
Astragulus (upper respiratory infections)
I’ll probably just combine my various medicinal herbal teas into a jar and put up with the disgusting flavour of “bad-taste-combining” just for the benefits.. these are the herbal teas I have on hand for cellular regeneration / immune boosting in general: Burdock Root, Calendula root, Chamomile, Dandelion, Elderflower, Green Tea, Gotu Kola, Herb Robert, Marshmallow, Nettle, Peppermint, Sheep Sorrel, Red Clover, Lemon Balm / Melissa, Licorice root, Yarrow. I really don’t like tea but… I’ll suck it up.
See also: Asthma admissions and thunderstorms: a study of pollen, fungal spores, rainfall, and ozone (a study that tested the hypothesis that thunderstorms in general are associated with asthma admissions and whether it was to do with pollen, spores, rainfall etc.. and found no evidence in support of the allergen-load hypothesis and suggested that it was worth researching more into air ionization to test whether the alteration in the ionization of the air as a result of thunder activity is more likely the cause).
Abstract on Asthma admissions and thunderstorms: a study of pollen, fungal spores, rainfall, and ozone.
There were no associations or interactions between admissions and any pollen or fungal spore counts or rainfall. After adjusting for thunderstorms, there was an independent association between increasing ozone concentration, when temperature was included in the model, and increasing admissions (p=0.02). Asthma admissions are increased during thunderstorms. The effect is more marked in warmer weather, and is not explained by increases in grass pollen, total pollen or fungal spore counts, nor by an interaction between these and rainfall.

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