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Symptom – Asthma

Pharma’s coming for you…

Today I stumbled upon one of Brandy Vaughan’s lectures and someone had added additional clips to it and I was glad to watch it again and finally transcribe it. Rest in Peace Brandy. You did make a difference.


Make the Sun…Set. (Blocking out the Sun)

These guys are taking things into their own hands to Pollute the Atmosphere and Block or “Blot” out the sun with ‘unknown’ safety tests on humans, animals, or the environment (albeit for sure causing respiratory issues), and with ‘unknown’ effectiveness… to Save the World from Impending Doom…(and maybe pocket a few million dollars if they are lucky…)


“Voice in your head” military weapon only you can hear & other mass-mind-control methods since the 1940s

I’d feel better about humanity losing their goddamn minds and any sense of a soul / empathy / heart, if I thought they weren’t just being brainwashed/scared-to-death by the media, and constantly being bombarded with 2+2=5 and anything else is censored or defined “misinformation”… but what if there’s some kind of extra-tech, some kind of helping-hand to “believe the narrative” by some kind of technology? According to the US Military, they’ve had mind-control technology for decades, and mass-mind-control investment dating back as far as you can go…


 † Another Graphene Whistleblower Found Dead

(Updated 18th March 2023 with better translation) Dr. Domenico Biscardi (Italian pharmacologist & biochemical researcher) found dead in his home under “mysterious circumstances” with rumours from the media of a “sudden heart attack”- Jan 12, 2022 – less than 2 weeks before he was due to testify before the European Parliament about what he discovered in evaporated Pfizer vials.
