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Wuhan (villain)

Bill Gates – Corbett Report – COVID Agenda

Bill Gates is heavily involved in all aspects of COVID-19. The Corbett Report has created a 2 hour documentary that I’ve only just come across (I’m a bit late to the party). I have to admit, they were so very convincing over the years – spending a fortune to turn-around his reputation from tyrant to “philanthropist” using the media and obfuscating/censoring those who disputed, making him out to be a victim of tin-foil hat conspiracies, that there was so much hope for me that questioning him was wrong because his fingers were all over everything…


Virologist Luc Montagnier (1932- Feb 2022)

Luc Montagnier who died on the 8th of February 2022, confirmed HIV is in the Spike Protein and has been outspoken along with other virologists about not vaccinating during a pandemic and instead focusing on improving your innate immunity because vaccinating during a pandemic would cause mutant variants, among other warnings such as possible brain and neurological disorders. He is a French Virologist of 78 years and was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in the year 2008 for discovering the HIV virus and was scheduled to take a part in the Grand Jury Proceeding hearing on February 12, 2022. Just a few weeks ago, he spoke in the Luxembourg parliament against the mandates, calling the injections poison and not vaccines at all.


Claire Edwards (Ex United Nations)

This is a video from back in 2020 when I was more focused on researching the “virus and the vaccines” and keeping my mind 100% in mainstream and trying to stay away from anything that even remotely looked fringe — but once I realized that we were absolutely facing the New World Order takeover and The Great Reset, I got over my “fear of what we don’t want to know” and started being brave enough to look beyond my brainwashing and conditioning and limited beliefs to find out what these people were warning us about. After you have reached the stage of realizing that we really are in a war against humanity right now, you start to look at warnings from Former United Nations employees in a new light!


Covid Camps

Covid Quarantine Camps, or Prison Camps, or Concentration Camps, or Re-Education Camps, or who the hell really knows – some say it’s for the vaccinated when they get sick, but seems more likely for those who the government deem dangerous to the agenda, i.e. people letting their communities know what is really going on


[Fauci] Media-Smear Campaign of Prominent Epidemiologists (Senate Hearing Jan 2022)

Rand calls out Fauci as the ‘architect of the pandemic’ and addresses Fauci’s smear campaign to ‘take down’ 3 prominent epidemiologists from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford, calling them “Fringe” to discredit them in the media, despite 15,707 medical and public health scientists, and 46,412 medical practitioners standing behind the recommendations.


How I went from Pandemic to PLAN-demic (How I know I’m on the right side of history)

My personal journey from researching the pandemic to realizing it was a Playbook for another Agenda. Maybe you don’t believe me that this is all being manipulated – that WHO CDC WEF UN Media are all corporations that the villains own and operate in order to completely control the planet from a central location, but you should at least know by now that the vaccines are bullshit, the passports are bullshit, and ill-health/dis-ease is easily treatable/preventable – without a needle. If those things aren’t “real to you yet” – then start there, because you can’t go beyond where you’re at, if your mind is still fighting a scary pandemic where you are afraid of healthy people. Next stop is the deliberate crash of the economy, the destruction of all small owner-operator businesses and a complete financial reset.
