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Event 2021 – Parts 11 & 12 (Fear & Compassion)

1.) Blindly Following Makes it Easy to Be Manipulated By Those in Power.
2.) Lockdowns, Masks – Response to Fear
3. ) Vaccinations: Response to Fear & Hope
4.) Compassion for the vaccinated
5.) Hope Shattered by Reality
6.) Vaccines don’t prevent infections
7.) I think something’s wrong…


Event 2021 – Part 6 (ADE, Vaccine Efficacy)

1.) Fleming Documents
2.) Antibody Dependent Enhancement
3.) Do the Vaccines Reduce your Risk of COVID?
4.) What does Vaccine Efficacy Really Mean?
5.) How did they decide covid diagnosis?
6.) Pfizer Vaccine Efficacy (from EUA documents)
7.) If I’ve already been infected, should I get Vaccinated?
