Call to form AntiGlobalist Alliance
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, calls for Anti-Globalist Alliance | Transcript
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, calls for Anti-Globalist Alliance | Transcript
The UN partners with Google to show only their views on climate change, goes on to say they “own the science”. Melissa Fleming, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications at the “Tackling Disinformation” meeting – September 20, 2022
A collection of COVID-related Tabletop exercises and other resources I find relevant.
How Australia lost its Sovereignty and became slaves to Globalists. (Living document – My notes as I attempt to become less-ignorant)
“We are in this fight together”
Thierry Baudet calls out The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, the globalists, and the EU parliament and says the only chance humanity has is to unite. In this interview he talks about why all eyes are on the Netherlands right now, why the farmers are protesting, the agenda’s, mass-immigration, stupid narrow-minded politicians not able to see the big picture, and people selling their soul for short-term self-interests. He says this is the single most existential fight in the history of civilization, suggests the only way the protestors could ever make a difference, and that we must unite globally together.
You will own nothing. You will eat the bugs. You will be happy.
Hollyfake actors are used to sell whatever the globalists want the pawns to do.
Media denies NWO existence, whilst globalists rub it in our faces. Here is a post just jot-pointing down various warnings we’ve had from politicians and other insiders about the NWO, Great Reset, & other Agendas that are playing out in our world right now.
Elite having an innocent cup of tea and secret chat about the state of the world…
Gregg Braden on the World Economic Forum, United Nations, Agenda 21/2030, the Great Reset, and Climate Change from a Geologist perspective.
Is it just a coincidence when Biden, WEF, and IMF predict Global Food Shortages and Large Food Manufacturers are suddenly on fire? What about this H1N1 Avian Flu with fake PCR test causing the murder of millions of chickens and turkeys? Gates buying up all the farmland, blocking out the sun, invested in the seed banks and “digitalizing” agriculture – but more importantly invested in artificial meat. UN & their “eat bugs” campaign. What else is going on? Well, I haven’t been following this narrative, but this post will be for collecting my notes as I encounter information as usual.