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sexual abuse

Operation Mind-Control [Book]

Have you, your community, or your government been blank-slated and mind-controlled? Would you even know it? Do you know how easy it is to manipulate your beliefs if you aren’t aware of the tricks they use? Words said whilst you are in the process of ‘seeking to recall’ a memory (accessing your visual recall bank) is an ‘in’ to re-programme you…


Why we need to stick together

I stumbled upon this video earlier from Jody Lowe and thought it was really good. He gives an example of four different factions; different sets of beliefs people have about what is going on in the world (which is really a simplified version of the hundreds of different beliefs out there), and reminds us that our power is on uniting all factions against “the bad guys”, regardless of our different beliefs, i.e., stop making “each other” the bad guys—stop focusing on calling others wrong or controlled opposition, etc.—because that gives the bad guys a free ride and takes our power away. Allow each set of people to do what they do best in each of their areas, and stand together on common goals, but let each faction do their thing, because ultimately, we need all of us—everyone united—and that it’s all interconnected, and so are we.


Australia’s “Sound of Freedom” — Fiona Barnett (ITNJ Testimony) — Part 1 of 2

Instead of promoting Hollywood movies… and while there is finally public attention on this topic, I thought I’d give some attention to those who have been bravely standing up against all odds and sharing their story for years and receiving only ridicule, being discredited, ignored, belittled, and receiving even more hatred, abuse, discrimination, and disbelief for coming forward.


[Solutions] Serene Teffaha – CoVision

Former Lawyer Serene Teffaha (of the class action suit in 2021 for the atrocious treatment of the 3,000 residents in the towers that were locked-down by 500 police in Melbourne), lost her licence fighting government corruption and child-trafficking, and explains when Australia and other governments around the world became corporatized and anti-human, and what we can do about it.
