Climate Science Q&A (Texti vs ChatGPT AI)
Climate Debate with Bots. Trying to extract facts is like pulling teeth.
Climate Debate with Bots. Trying to extract facts is like pulling teeth.
Fake chat with fake story bots on Aussie Politicians
Why does Pfizer have “special batches” that “bypass” TGA’s batch testing because they are “reserved for their own employees’ vaccination program” in Australia?
Senator Gerard Rennick’s best, most passionate speech trying to reach the hive-mind of the mind-controlled, corporation-controlled, agenda-controlled government to take the jab-injured seriously and calls out The Greens specifically for laughing, mocking, and interjecting his speech, and the TGA and other Health Authorities for ignoring all the published evidence. Also featured: Senators: Roberts, Antic, Canavan, and Babet.
While crooked Klaus Schwab wants the Great Reset, Senator Roberts promises to take up the Great Resist. Resist the infiltration of our Parliament by globalist pawns, the destruction of the family, and billionaires making everyone else poorer.
Documentary from Stew Peters Network is finally released – Not suitable for children – Horrific, yet must-see and important documentary on the Depopulation Agenda and it’s relationship to the COVID Vaccines.
The Trusted Digital Identity Bill is a framework for oppression and control. It is a global surveillance system designed by a foreign bureaucracy for the benefit of profit-hungry corporations and power-mad politicians.
UN wants to ban more than one bite of meat a day & eliminate global food chains. Do you like eating bugs, 3d-printed steak, or genetically-engineered lab-created frankenfoods? The UN is now officially calling on replacing beef with processed bugs. The United Nations is demonising our farmers and trying to send our society back to the stone age by taking 2.4 billion kilos of protein off of the market. The UN is the single most destructive force on planet earth, working as the trojan horse behind the globalist New World Order.
Australian lawyer Iain Benson on the ethical problems involved with the forced use of experimental drugs
“In Australia today, in response to a virus where we’re locked in our homes, we’re forbidden from exercise, we’re forbidden from human contact, we are tracked and traced and digitised, we’re forced to accept invasions of our privacy that will never be regressed, and injections into our body that cannot be reversed, if we want to remain a part of functioning society. Even our breathing is restricted, but luckily Liquor Land remains open.”