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Scott Morrison

Define: Vanguard

The term ‘Vanguard’ refers to a “front part of an army”, an “advanced guard”, and the leaders at the forefront in any movement, whose functions include seeking out the enemy and securing ground in advance of the main force. On the field of battle, they are first to be deployed, ahead of the rest of the army.


[AC] Secret Handshake

I’m usually pretty good at spot-the-difference games, but while other people can see the obvious freemasonry secret handshake, I am struggling to see it (but even when my dad did it to me once, I couldn’t tell the difference).

Masonic Handshakes

Safe & Effective = Reckless & Dangerous | Julian Gillespie

Lawyer Julian Gillespie is standing up to Australia’s Secretary of Health in Federal Court against the dangerous and deadly shots, warns of big pharma’s influence over politicians and medical authorities, and new oppressive powers being legislated, and calls out the Australian government for ignoring the Pandemic Plan and letting WHO go rogue on the Australian people.
