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Australian MP George Christensen Stands Up

Australian MP calls for “Civil Disobedience” in the face of “Medical Apartheid” and says Premiers are “Drunk on Power” and “Trying to Out-Tyrant Each Other” – Another Interview with Robert Malone talks about the Population-Reduction agenda, and finally, another interview with Professor explains the mass-formation mass-hypnosis emerged from the covid crisis. Mass-formation is not a conspiracy theory.


[Belarus President] Aleksandr Lukashenko – Covid Corruption & Globalist Agenda

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said the World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid to impose isolation, lockdowns and curfews. Today I found a video of him addressing “Omicron” as the ideal natural vaccine to end the pandemic, and I then hunted for more videos and found some good ones calling out the globalist agenda and put them all together in a video compilation.
