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[Senator Rennick] Health advice never mandated jabs in the workplace

Labor and the Greens voted against an amendment to the Workplace Health and Safety Bill that made it illegal to discriminate against someone on their Covid-19 vaccination status. Why are bureaucrats and companies still mandating them — it’s clearly not for health reasons since the jab doesn’t prevent infection or stop transmission and we’ve known this since 2020. Senator Rennick Speech.


Pilgrim Society (Who the heck are they?)

If you’ve been with me on this journey from “strictly mainstream” to “what the fu*k is really going on?” “WHO is doing this to us and WHY?” and “How did this happen? How did it get so far?”, then you might be interested in this interview and book I stumbled upon.


Myron Fagan on United Nations as a Communist front for One-World Government [1967-68]

My notes on Myron Fagan’s old “Illuminati” recording from the late 1960s, in which he tries to explain how all the major institutions, banks, media, and corporations have been infiltrated by a satanic-plot for a one-world government that uses “peace on earth” as its deception. He calls out the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs, and other internationalist bankers, and ties together the Council on Foreign Relations, Chatham House, Rhodes scholarships, the international press, masonic lodges, churches, social services, Pike, Lemmy, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Marx, Ward, Weishaupt, Mazzini, Krupp, Warburgs, Roosevelt, Schiff, Engels, Hitler, Russia, Israel, Palestine, Germany, Vietnam, the League of Nations, and the United Nations. He says all wars were started by this group for the one-world-government communist endgame.


Sberbank Owns All Aspects of Russian Lives

From Russia’s COVID Jab to everything else—SberMarket, SberHealth, SberID, SberFood, SberSound, SberAI, SberEcosystem—Sberbank owns “All aspects of Russians’ lives.” Furthermore, Herman Gref, the CEO of Sberbank, was both a politician and a WEF puppet—er, trustee. Dr David Martin (C19 Patent Whistleblower) has listed Gref as one of the 36 individuals responsible for killing humanity. Sberbank’s largest shareholder, as of 2020, is the Russian government, Sberbank—er, the Russian government—er, the New World Order, are also introducing biometrics, where people can buy their groceries via “facial recognition,” and are now introducing “thermal imaging detection” in schools, and the CEO stated he is closely following China‘s “success” (one can only assume he means the CCP’s success with its social credit system and other great totalitarian ideas for the dictators/psychopaths of the New World Order). Sberbank also participated in Cyber Polygon, the global cyberattack tabletop, and, together with the WEF, own BI.ZONE, which manages the Cyber Polygon project. Welcome to the new world order. Where the bankers own and control every aspect of our lives.
