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Harry Potter Philosophy notes

None of us know for sure that our souls are immortal. We may believe this, but we can’t know for sure. So whatever we do spiritually has to have an impact on this physical reality. The good that you do lives on. Doing something that lasts beyond us. Instead of buying a cup of coffee, we could bring our own and use that money to save a life.


3 Magic Words Film (Michael Perlin interview)

Who Am I and What is the Purpose of Life? If everybody takes the responsibility for being one or for being the divine then we wouldn’t hurt each other, we wouldn’t go to war, we wouldn’t kick people out of their homes, we wouldn’t abandon people, we would love and forgive – it would make the greatest planet in the milky way…


[QA] My Fave Movies that get me Thinking…

My Fave movies that get me thinking.. it’s only after I completed my list that I realized that I liked a lot of the movies for the same reasons.. questioning reality.. consciousness.. survival.. mindset.. ethics.. good vs evil.. right vs wrong.. morality, truth, humanity, etc.

Fave Movies That Make me Think