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Travelers (Season 1, Episode 10) Kathryn (Graphene-based nanotech)

Seriously, I can’t even take a night off from research without seeing their mind control, propaganda, agenda, and predictive programming. This episode has everything from graphene-based nanotech to infertility, heart issues, prefrontal cortex damage, memory wipes, 2 shots, 5 shots, computer hacking, and saving the life of a genocidal dictator. Can’t even. :)


Truth in Fiction: 2018 movie predicts flu-pandemic & New World Order

A 2018 film proceeds to predict all the things except one that have come to pass, including:
a world depopulation plan with the United Nations; fluoride as a neurotoxin; fake viruses and vaccine bioweapons; chemical warfare by use of geo-engineering, causing respiratory illnesses, cancer, damage to the immune systems, and sterilization; a mutated version of the common flu to be released in 2017-2018; a holographic alien sighting in Atlanta; and a global event that will bring a One World Government and a New World Order.


Stargate Episodes & Current World Topics of Discussion

As a former Stargate SG-1 junkie, having watched the series many, many times over the years, I have often found myself comparing various things that are going on in the world to specific episodes and trying to bring it up in conversation: “Where Teal’c gets bitten by an alien mosquito and starts transforming into another species”. “The “Link” – that connected an entire civilisation to an AI-based hive-mind database” “Mind-control technology that can change people’s memories and make them believe they committed atrocities” “The ship that carried an entire civilization-the genetic material/DNA of the entire species, including their plants and animals-wouldn’t that be a more likely, more practical, and more realistic scenario than the story of Noah’s Ark?” etc. But none of my friends have watched or will commit to watching the series to know what I’m talking about…


[1985] CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons

In 1985, CNN (CIA) did a piece on Electromagnetic Mind Control weapons interviewing a few of the CIA scientists that I’ll be featuring in another post I’m doing exposing on how long they’ve been able to mind-control the population and how the controllers have always been obsessed with mind-control.


Hoaxed | Everything They Told You Is a Lie

Hoaxed Documentary

Hoaxed — Everything They Told You Is a Lie – An insider’s look at the fake news phenomenon and the consequences of media misinformation. Interviews from those who have been accused of spreading it themselves are featured in variety throughout the film
