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Media (NWO)

Putin Rejects The Great Reset? (or is he just another NWO globalist?)

Harley Schlanger says that Putin is rejecting The Great Reset and that is why the media is hyping up a war. I don’t know what to think. On the one hand, Schwab says Putin is one of them. On the other hand, there is a timeline of interesting events that we need to understand, a media of lies, a world of corruption, and NWO agenda’s to consider.


Globalism Notes

Came across a site with Australian notes that looks like it may not be up for much longer since half the links don’t work and the articles are so aged, but I found myself copying a lot of notes about the one world government and new world order from the paragraphs and now want to put those “notes” somewhere I can locate them again.


Claire Edwards (Ex United Nations)

This is a video from back in 2020 when I was more focused on researching the “virus and the vaccines” and keeping my mind 100% in mainstream and trying to stay away from anything that even remotely looked fringe — but once I realized that we were absolutely facing the New World Order takeover and The Great Reset, I got over my “fear of what we don’t want to know” and started being brave enough to look beyond my brainwashing and conditioning and limited beliefs to find out what these people were warning us about. After you have reached the stage of realizing that we really are in a war against humanity right now, you start to look at warnings from Former United Nations employees in a new light!


[Fauci] Media-Smear Campaign of Prominent Epidemiologists (Senate Hearing Jan 2022)

Rand calls out Fauci as the ‘architect of the pandemic’ and addresses Fauci’s smear campaign to ‘take down’ 3 prominent epidemiologists from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford, calling them “Fringe” to discredit them in the media, despite 15,707 medical and public health scientists, and 46,412 medical practitioners standing behind the recommendations.
