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Download Research

Everything I’ve saved so far in my quest to get answers during the pandemic. Truth is all I seek.


[RANT] MTBE – THIS is CRAZY! Poisoned by Policy…

With the stroke of a pen, the US government rewrote the formula for gasoline and “accidentally” contaminated the drinking water of America and other countries.
Dr. Goldstein, Toxicologist “If I wanted to to be sure that I poisoned as many as possible, I’d put something in gasoline. That’s what we’re all exposed to…”


Truth in Fiction: 2018 movie predicts flu-pandemic & New World Order

A 2018 film proceeds to predict all the things except one that have come to pass, including:
a world depopulation plan with the United Nations; fluoride as a neurotoxin; fake viruses and vaccine bioweapons; chemical warfare by use of geo-engineering, causing respiratory illnesses, cancer, damage to the immune systems, and sterilization; a mutated version of the common flu to be released in 2017-2018; a holographic alien sighting in Atlanta; and a global event that will bring a One World Government and a New World Order.
