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Everything I’ve saved so far in my quest to get answers during the pandemic. Truth is all I seek.
Everything I’ve saved so far in my quest to get answers during the pandemic. Truth is all I seek.
Beekeepers says varroa mite is easily treatable (so why are they killing the bees in Australia?)
Climate Debate with Bots. Trying to extract facts is like pulling teeth.
In process of note-taking from random PDF’s I’ve been collecting over the past couple of years to compare and see how different people are treating the assault on humanity.
With the stroke of a pen, the US government rewrote the formula for gasoline and “accidentally” contaminated the drinking water of America and other countries.
Dr. Goldstein, Toxicologist “If I wanted to to be sure that I poisoned as many as possible, I’d put something in gasoline. That’s what we’re all exposed to…”
A 2018 film proceeds to predict all the things except one that have come to pass, including:
a world depopulation plan with the United Nations; fluoride as a neurotoxin; fake viruses and vaccine bioweapons; chemical warfare by use of geo-engineering, causing respiratory illnesses, cancer, damage to the immune systems, and sterilization; a mutated version of the common flu to be released in 2017-2018; a holographic alien sighting in Atlanta; and a global event that will bring a One World Government and a New World Order.
Jamie McIntyre attempts to ‘RedPill’ Farmers before the Great Reset happens in Australia
No, it hasn’t been debunked just because the manufacturers haven’t disclosed it – we have more questions and evidence than ever. They have the media, the governments, the mainstream internet – and we have the truth and science is on our side.
Gregg Braden on the World Economic Forum, United Nations, Agenda 21/2030, the Great Reset, and Climate Change from a Geologist perspective.