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Died Suddenly

TGA refuses to release C19 Shot Death Data

In an interview on April 1, 2022, Senator Malcolm Roberts tells Maria Zee that the TGA hasn’t provided the process of how they revised 798 deaths that were reported by doctors to be attributed to the vaccine down to 11.


 † Dr. Andreas Noack & Graphene Hydroxide

A German research chemist Dr Andreas Noack (did his PhD on Graphene & worked for leading manufacturer of carbon nanoparticles) published his graphene hydroxide video on Nov 23, 2021 and 20-30 minutes after the interview, suffered a sudden ‘invisible’ torturous attack and died on Nov 26, 2021. Earlier videos and a PDF he created (on his widow’s telegram channel) suggest that he predicted he would be taken out, was expecting and at peace with it except that he hoped to get out the information that he wanted to get out before it happened. Browsing through his past videos on his wife’s channel, suggests to me that he was on a mission, that humanity and integrity came first.
