South Australian MP Ann Bressington Explains & Warns about Agenda 21
2013 – Hon Ann Marie BRESSINGTON MLC, Member for South Australia explains Agenda 21, the Club of Rome and the World Economic Forum to bring about the New World Order.
CovID-19 (Certificate of Vaccination—ID—2019) is the largest operation to date. It includes rounding up the slaves, which are as easy to manipulate as rats, and mass tagging, experimenting, weaponizing, culling, fencing, and “playing God with” the entire human-slave-force to be controllable from a central location.
2013 – Hon Ann Marie BRESSINGTON MLC, Member for South Australia explains Agenda 21, the Club of Rome and the World Economic Forum to bring about the New World Order.
There are hundreds of thousands of testimonials, health professionals speaking out about how they are blocked from giving working treatments, and legal actions taking place. How many more people have to die?
Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.
Eddie Warne – Took the jab to keep his Victorian Surf Shop open and had a reaction, now has a message for humanity as well as sharing the comments from friends who also suffered adverse reactions. He wants to stop them coming for the kids and share a message about what he thinks is going on.
Aussie Police Standing Up and Speaking out.
Mayor of NZ embarrasses mainstream media journalist. Stands up for medical freedom and speaks out against tyranny.
The manufacturers say it’s safe and we take them at their word?
Clive Palmer, head of the United Australia Party, says that Berejiklian was promised that she would not be charged in a corruption probe if she imposed a vaccine mandate. She allegedly accepted that offer, and has since resigned from her position amid an apparent unrelated corruption investigation.
Reviewing six months safety and efficacy of the BNT162b2 Pfizer vaccine
Johnson & Johnson Employees warn against trusting the media or injecting kids saying vaccines are just politics and money. Also – download official FDA and CDC Factsheets and JJ Vaccine Research.