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Ukraine-Russia Analysis – Archbishop Viganò

Archbishop Vigano shared a 24-page analysis of the Russia-Ukraine crisis and goes through historical references and Zelenskyy’s ties to the IMF and WEF (The Great Reset) including the media-censorship & disinformation, vaccines, UN, NATO, Biden’s ties, the European Union, color revolution, Neo-Nazis, Minsk Agreement and more.


Honest Journalism is DEAD

The Media (a dying-trade that I now dub ‘MisLedia’) will never be trusted again when people realize what they’ve been doing to them. I keep forgetting that this is absolutely crucially important to those who have absolutely no idea this is happening so this post is long over-due. The corporate media cannot be trusted.


Dr. Malone On the Great Reset, Covid and Information Warfare

Dr. Malone described how he had heard of the New World Order as a political science undergraduate in the 1980s, but never imagined it could actually be real. Dr. Malone sits down with Kristi Leigh to discuss the awakening journey, what he thought of Joe Rogan, censorship, the Great Reset and how he’s feeling about 2022.


Archbishop Carlo Viganò warns of coming dictatorship

Archbishop Viganò’s video message for the October 15, 2021 “No Fear Day” in Turin (Torino), Italy. This video was sent to the people of Turin who were demonstrating against the tyrannical Italian ‘Green Pass’. See bottom of post to learn more about who he is and what he told the world in 2018, as well as a Complete 18-tape Interview answering other questions about what is going on in the world right now with the Great Reset & New World Order.
