How To Brainwash & Control the Masses (1min)
Video explaining Propaganda in less than 1 minute
Video explaining Propaganda in less than 1 minute
If I were talking to a friend about Christianity right now, I guess this is what I would ramble out.. I don’t know, was just rambling about beliefs after spending a month exploring the Satanism/Luciferian agenda (and still looking into it)
A long interview with Steve Richards about Holographic Kinetics
I’m still trying to figure out the truth, but I resonate a lot with what JP Sears is saying about recognizing the evil in the world, particularly over the past few years, and finding myself being guided towards the polar opposite. I’ve just transcribed 2 of his videos: “I Changed My Mind About God – Here’s Why” (Mar 2023) and “Why I Changed My Mind About Evil! (I Was WRONG)” (Nov 2022)
Just had dinner at a friends house and one of her friends that I met tonight is a Holographic Kinetics practitioner and had an interesting perspective on life.
A goldfish story and a fake-sick actor story demonstrates “the bystander effect” – what have we become?
Series on former X-Factor winner Altiyan Child’s “Freemasons = Satanism” Video. This is Part one that contains the full video and it’s mirrors, and the first part of the transcript.
Need some creative ideas on how you can help awaken humanity in your part of the world? Here are some templates, course ideas, flyers, letters, and other things you can use to create content or webinars or meetups with others to help humanity “Wake Up and Take Back Control”.
The Dark Art Of Manipulating The Public Through Smear Campaigns (I asked an AI to create a propaganda campaign to smear truthers to show the public how it was done)
An essay from the Office of Naval Research gives us the key to escaping a Tyrannical Mind-Control System. It looks like it was written as a warning to engage vigilant critical thinking skills so that you don’t become susceptible to mind control and propaganda, but it seems like the “powers that be” used every single tactic described in this research as a baseline playbook for killing societal critical thinking to ensure people DO get manipulated in this very way. There are loads of tips for resisting mind-influence in this great old document, and this is the best explanation I’ve seen so far of how some of us could see through it.