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TGA refuses to release C19 Shot Death Data

In an interview on April 1, 2022, Senator Malcolm Roberts tells Maria Zee that the TGA hasn’t provided the process of how they revised 798 deaths that were reported by doctors to be attributed to the vaccine down to 11.


QLD Senator: Truth Bombs “We won’t let you get away with it”

Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts calls out the TGA, ATAGI, ABS, AHPRA, Liberal-Nationals, Labor, Greens, for running a protection-racket for the Pharmaceutical industry. He shares Pfizer and AstraZeneca’s criminal history & calls them out for fraud. He calls out the deliberate suppression of any health advice, because the vaccines are a gravy train. He brings up all the TGA FOI’s that highlight we have no honest or accurate safety data, and ends with a promise to not let them get away with it: “We are coming for you – we have the stamina to hound you down and we damn well will”.


 † Dr. Andreas Noack & Graphene Hydroxide

A German research chemist Dr Andreas Noack (did his PhD on Graphene & worked for leading manufacturer of carbon nanoparticles) published his graphene hydroxide video on Nov 23, 2021 and 20-30 minutes after the interview, suffered a sudden ‘invisible’ torturous attack and died on Nov 26, 2021. Earlier videos and a PDF he created (on his widow’s telegram channel) suggest that he predicted he would be taken out, was expecting and at peace with it except that he hoped to get out the information that he wanted to get out before it happened. Browsing through his past videos on his wife’s channel, suggests to me that he was on a mission, that humanity and integrity came first.


Claire Edwards (Ex United Nations)

This is a video from back in 2020 when I was more focused on researching the “virus and the vaccines” and keeping my mind 100% in mainstream and trying to stay away from anything that even remotely looked fringe — but once I realized that we were absolutely facing the New World Order takeover and The Great Reset, I got over my “fear of what we don’t want to know” and started being brave enough to look beyond my brainwashing and conditioning and limited beliefs to find out what these people were warning us about. After you have reached the stage of realizing that we really are in a war against humanity right now, you start to look at warnings from Former United Nations employees in a new light!


Insider recalls New World Order meeting in 1969

Insider Dr Lawrence Dunegan recalls a meeting he attended in 1969 regarding the plans for the New World Order including population control, digital banking, bio-tracking, surveillance, and the hijacking of medicine and society. 4 hours of audio. I’ve clipped some out to present here to compare and reflect on how it relates to what is going on right now.
