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Flashback: Feb 2020 – Thank you China for posting the genetic code…

Flashback: 13 Feb 2020 to this interview with Kate Broderick from INOVIO (Covid-19 Vaccine Candidate) who created a Covid Vaccine that was raring to go from China’s uploaded Genetic-code in 3 hours. “We have to be grateful here that the Chinese posted the genetic code… ” Truly hard to tell whether they are just blind-sided by greed, fully-brainwashed / inDOCtrinated, or whether they are in on it.


Dermatologist Testimony of C19 Treatments & Vax Injuries

This is a great summary of most of the wrong-doings of the covid pandemic in regards to the banning and vilifying of HCQ & IVM (something Dr. Karen DeVore had prescribed for 30 years off-label without any issue), and the never-before-seen injuries she’s now witnessing in her Dermatology practice in her “vaccinated” patients.


Make the Sun…Set. (Blocking out the Sun)

These guys are taking things into their own hands to Pollute the Atmosphere and Block or “Blot” out the sun with ‘unknown’ safety tests on humans, animals, or the environment (albeit for sure causing respiratory issues), and with ‘unknown’ effectiveness… to Save the World from Impending Doom…(and maybe pocket a few million dollars if they are lucky…)
