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Why do so many still buy into the Narrative? – Psychologist POV

Psychologist with some tips for those who see what’s going on and are trying to help others see it (estimation 30%) and the “know something is up but can’t put their finger on it — so just going along with it” – (estimation 40%) – about how the other 30% were able to become spellbound even when the data shows the opposite of what they believe – very interesting insights.

Another video shows a study that explains most people are ‘corruptible’ within 5 minutes.

Another video explains the Bidermans Chart of Coercion which was used throughout this pandemic.


The misuse of emergency powers…

The government is not going to give up it’s super powers. Right now they can make decisions without putting it to a vote and it’s been like this since March of 2020 (COVID state of emergency act enacted). This bill tries to at least get some sanity back into the madhouse that has given super-powers to a select few making all the decisions without opposition…. but there’s no way they will give up their power. This is happening worldwide.

Misuse EmergencyPowers