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Taboo / Divergent

You are not evil. (Parasites Feeding off Negative Energies)

This is an “add-on” to my last post (The dark days are over. Back to Crazy-Land!) The post was getting a bit big, so I decided to have a separate post with my notes on negative entities (of which, for the record, I’m still on the fence about, but “even if there is truth” to it, it doesn’t change much about anything, except to be aware, vibrate higher, and trust your gut.


Everyday you are given the opportunity to evolve. Everything is significant in our growth and expansion. What would love do?

My purpose is just to love, to be an example of unconditional love and compassion. That will either be the beacon of light or the seed that is planted that people don’t “need” to suffer. To show them that they have a choice. Red pill. Blue pill. And accept whatever journey they have come here to experience, in whatever way fits best for their own evolution. Because they are me, and I am them. Their perspective/perception and experience is just as valid and part of this whole thing as any. I am here to help those who “want” to experience it without suffering because that’s my super-power to share, that’s what I came here to learn, and that’s what I share as I learn. xo


You are the master builder of your own game, and the pawn to go in and play

You choose which “you” to experience in any timeline, in any world, in any dimension, in any place. All possibilities have already been created. You choose what your purpose is from the ‘you’ that you have stepped into. You choose which roadblocks and lessons to experience. You choose the level of suffering or triumph. Your imagination, intent and will is your time-machine and teleportation device. You choose which part of any creation you want to experience. You are the master builder of your own game, and the pawn to go in and experience what you created.


Releasing the “Guardians of your Soul” (the energies that are shielding you from living true)

If you find yourself sabotaging your friendships and relationships, still feeling “less than” or not worthy, not able to achieve abundance or your heart’s desires, still judging other infinite beings for not living the way you think they should live. Still trying to control outside circumstances to keep you safe, that you have walls or blockages that are trying to protect you, that are also blocking you from being able to fully experience what you came here for. To be you. The real you. The core of you.


Everything coming to the surface now – it’s time to deal!

With great pain comes big changes. Speak your truth, let go, have faith and behold your unfolding. This is a massive shift and even those who are not aware of it are feeling it’s effects. They are seeing the signs and symbols and getting the insights. The ego is going through it’s own little death-throes trying to hold onto your old identity that no longer serves you.


To heal this world and help people we need to raise our vibrations

See people for who they really are: Infinite beings having a human experience. We are so much more than these limited shells. As you become more aware of your perceived limitations in this form, from a place of knowing you are so much more, you realize the futility of living the experience being anything other than who you truly are. Smile. Embrace & fully live your experiences. Create. This is what you came here for.
