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Penny... on Health

Download Research

Everything I’ve saved so far in my quest to get answers during the pandemic. Truth is all I seek.


Intra Body Nano Network – Part 3/5 (Meat & Potatoes – the Main Evidence)

Part 3 of 5 of the Intra Body Nano Network by Mik Andersen. Part three is really the meat & potatoes of the presentation. It goes through what is in the scientific literature regarding micro and nano sensors, carbon nanotubes, graphene and graphene oxide nanosheets, Micro and Nano routers. micro antennas or plasmonic nanoantennae microsensors, micro node signals (TS-OOK) and how our phone, tablet or can be used as the gateway.


Clearing Spike Protein by Fasting (it’s the Only Way)

Post Vaccine and Post Spike Protein Exposure detox methods by Dr Paul Marik of FLCCC, Dr Been & Tyler Tolman. The body heals itself and how to clear the spike. Explanation & methods of autophagy / fasting. “There is only one way to get rid of spike protein, and that’s by stimulating autophagy. That is the only way.”
