Book Summaries
Books I’ve read/listened to and taken notes on recently, click the link for the full notes
Books I’ve read/listened to and taken notes on recently, click the link for the full notes
Looking through the research, I want to understand in my own mind, how exactly Ivermectin combats COVID-19.
When I was healthy, happy, positive, and full of energy, this is what I posted on Instagram as my “accountability” challenge. Years later, I am nothing like this person. This post is to re-motivate myself to start doing what I know works. Food is nature’s medicine that completely transforms everything, and has never been more important to put this front and centre back into our lives.
Post that summarizes how to strengthen your “innate” immune system (the first responders)
This is a living document of me collecting research on the phases of COVID-19 and the therapeutic options for each phase and viral target. This particular post focuses on the Viral Replication phase.
This is a living document of me collecting research on the phases of COVID-19 and the therapeutic options for each phase and viral target. This particular post focuses on Phase One – the Viral Replication phase.
Just want to keep up-to-date whenever Ivermectin is mentioned in parliament hearings.
SARS-CoV-2 Research for Family & Friends [Part 6] Health Professionals & Virologists who are not getting the jab (and their reasons)
SARS-CoV-2 Research for Family & Friends [Part 2] The Differences between the Vaccines
Based on the research, I cannot understand why anyone would think about vaccinating healthy kids with these new vaccines – their risk of getting seriously ill with COVID-19 is extremely small, and spreading from kids to adults remains “exceedingly rare”, and the benefit doesn’t outweigh the short-term “known-risks” and the “completely unknown long-term risks” – see the studies.