[chatGPT] STCU, Biotech, Soros, DoD, Ukraine
Just testing chatGPT on known documents to see if it will disclose or hide it… (of course you know the answer)…just keeping my own notes. Learned nothing new.
Just testing chatGPT on known documents to see if it will disclose or hide it… (of course you know the answer)…just keeping my own notes. Learned nothing new.
This is the best, it’s a must-watch… How Jimmy Dore started seeing through the propaganda narratives (after getting the jab). Highlights from his recent Mercola interview. Calls out all things Covid & how he got duped into the mainstream narrative and how he broke free from the propaganda. “They lied about everything!”
Rebecca Walser’s “Unravelling the Web of Globalization & the Totalitarian Control of Humanity” full video (and Finance Section transcript).
Bearing in mind that ChatGPT is full of shit at times and could be renamed “lies, damn lies, and propaganda”, but I just started randomly asking questions around the time of the beginning of the United Nations, particularly around the World War II era (basically from the time period of 1943-1949) that I found interesting.
Today’s interest is in that black, foamy, graphene demonstration in 2013
Scientific proof of the PLANdemic with 2000+ peer-reviewed published references. At the very end of a very long 9-hour livestream in April 2022 was a presentation by Professor Federico A. Nazar on a paper he took 2 years to write that has been heavily censored online and in the academic world. It collates the majority of information we’ve all been researching into one paper, kicking the mainstream narrative to the curb.
My notes on Myron Fagan’s old “Illuminati” recording from the late 1960s, in which he tries to explain how all the major institutions, banks, media, and corporations have been infiltrated by a satanic-plot for a one-world government that uses “peace on earth” as its deception. He calls out the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs, and other internationalist bankers, and ties together the Council on Foreign Relations, Chatham House, Rhodes scholarships, the international press, masonic lodges, churches, social services, Pike, Lemmy, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Marx, Ward, Weishaupt, Mazzini, Krupp, Warburgs, Roosevelt, Schiff, Engels, Hitler, Russia, Israel, Palestine, Germany, Vietnam, the League of Nations, and the United Nations. He says all wars were started by this group for the one-world-government communist endgame.
I’d feel better about humanity losing their goddamn minds and any sense of a soul / empathy / heart, if I thought they weren’t just being brainwashed/scared-to-death by the media, and constantly being bombarded with 2+2=5 and anything else is censored or defined “misinformation”… but what if there’s some kind of extra-tech, some kind of helping-hand to “believe the narrative” by some kind of technology? According to the US Military, they’ve had mind-control technology for decades, and mass-mind-control investment dating back as far as you can go…
From Russia’s COVID Jab to everything else—SberMarket, SberHealth, SberID, SberFood, SberSound, SberAI, SberEcosystem—Sberbank owns “All aspects of Russians’ lives.” Furthermore, Herman Gref, the CEO of Sberbank, was both a politician and a WEF puppet—er, trustee. Dr David Martin (C19 Patent Whistleblower) has listed Gref as one of the 36 individuals responsible for killing humanity. Sberbank’s largest shareholder, as of 2020, is the Russian government, Sberbank—er, the Russian government—er, the New World Order, are also introducing biometrics, where people can buy their groceries via “facial recognition,” and are now introducing “thermal imaging detection” in schools, and the CEO stated he is closely following China‘s “success” (one can only assume he means the CCP’s success with its social credit system and other great totalitarian ideas for the dictators/psychopaths of the New World Order). Sberbank also participated in Cyber Polygon, the global cyberattack tabletop, and, together with the WEF, own BI.ZONE, which manages the Cyber Polygon project. Welcome to the new world order. Where the bankers own and control every aspect of our lives.
Dr. Robert Duncan, a former DARPA, Department of Defense, CIA, NATO, and Harvard scientist (in neural networks, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and EEG controlled robotics), enthusiastically presented a remote-lecture titled “The Ethics of Neuroweapons and Neuro-Technologies,” which went through neurotechnology advances that he’s excited about and then switches the lecture to a warning of the dark side of these advances: neuroweapons and advanced mind-control technology that totalitarian governments (US, Britain, China, and Russia) are using to mind-control societies, armies, and other governments right now.