The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal [Documentary]
Links to The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal documentaries
Links to The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal documentaries
Wow, how long have people tried to warn us? This is an Australian documentary back in 1998 showing the complete failure and danger of vaccinations—over 25 years ago.
My fave downloads from Tony Pantalleresco (Canadian Herbalist and in my words: anti-psychopath & anti-democide inventor).
Contagion Myth & Unconventional Ways To Treat Viruses by Dr Tom Cowan
This is the best, it’s a must-watch… How Jimmy Dore started seeing through the propaganda narratives (after getting the jab). Highlights from his recent Mercola interview. Calls out all things Covid & how he got duped into the mainstream narrative and how he broke free from the propaganda. “They lied about everything!”
All viruses are bioweapons, man-made in a lab funded by the Department of Defense, the CIA, Pharma-Profiteers, and their psychopathic collaborators. Basically, we should rename or redefine “virus” or “vaccine” to “bioweapon, toxin, poison, or eugenics-genetic population control” for their true definition (at least, that’s how I interpreted this old documentary I stumbled across last night called “In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism,” filmed in 2007 by Dr. Leonard Horowitz).
Collection of Peer-Reviewed Medical Papers Evidencing Multitude of Heartbreaking Adverse Events in Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients
Dr. Aditi Bhargava is a molecular neuroendocrinologist with 33 years of research experience and is the director of laboratory research at UCSF which develops mRNA technology, the same technology used in covid vaccines.
Bill Gates is heavily involved in all aspects of COVID-19. The Corbett Report has created a 2 hour documentary that I’ve only just come across (I’m a bit late to the party). I have to admit, they were so very convincing over the years – spending a fortune to turn-around his reputation from tyrant to “philanthropist” using the media and obfuscating/censoring those who disputed, making him out to be a victim of tin-foil hat conspiracies, that there was so much hope for me that questioning him was wrong because his fingers were all over everything…
Wow, these pharma-criminals have been scamming the world forever.