higher consciousness
We’re still in the Matrix
Ramble about Cancer, Placebo, Syncronicities, Mumble about medical industry, Chemo, driving to ballarat to see if there’s any room for me there
My Dark Night of the Soul musings…
life is easier if you realize you are always adapting to that which has never been created before
Feel like I’m doing more for humanity by getting stable “first”
I feel like I’m doing more to help humanity by dealing with my own shit and taking responsibility for what I put out into the world than anything I tried before
Strategize your avatar/character in this game of life
Everything is always new, so you can’t go through life flawlessly because you have never lived this moment before.
Cheat Codes for Life
Accept what is happening as part of life. Choose to allow it to help transform you into a better you. Don’t judge it in a negative way – see all of it as serving your life in some way, as cycles of expansion.
Life is giving us no choice but to go within (New Timeline / Catalysts)
Grateful to be here right now, especially now in this timeline, as these massive changes happen all across this planet.
[IChing] Earth’s Changing Frequencies & Dimensional experiences
Asking the IChing: Are all aspects of ourselves experiencing different dimensional experiences? Are we now merging together with our other dimensional selves or just able to experience higher dimensions or lower depending on our moment-to-moment viewpoints / thoughts / expectations / intentions? Are outside influences causing these shifts on earth to our frequencies/minds? Are we going through a master cycle right now?