Great Reset
Unpacking The Great Reset / Great Resistance | Australia
Elke Cryer has worked for 9 years in China a totalitarian country and learned much from the underground there. Wonderful presentation by Elke Cryer that was banned by YouTube before I had finished watching it lol. I highly recommend not skipping this one, especially those on the right side of history.
“It’s Slavery” – Senator Malcolm Roberts | Great Reset Truth Bombs
Calling out supporters of Klaus Schwab’s WEF / UN “You will Own Nothing” social credit slavery digital ID system
[Solutions] Important Message to those who See through the C-19 Lies
Three short 4-minute videos that those who can see through the narrative must see if we want to win.
Mark My Words…THIS is Coming in 2022
This is one you can send to friends who aren’t conspiratorial to warn them to prepare, without confusing them or overwhelming them with all the things you know they aren’t ready for.
WEF, Davos, Digital ID, Cashless, Global Reset, & How the System is Rigged
I found this channel recently that is mostly focused on financial freedom, but has quite a few explainer-videos about the great reset, the social credit system, digital ID, cashless society, and so on that may help people understand what is going on in the world, as well as possible solutions.
Jamie warns Australian farmers of what’s ahead for the Great Reset
Jamie McIntyre attempts to ‘RedPill’ Farmers before the Great Reset happens in Australia
The World needs to Unite against the Globalists | Thierry Baudet MP EU
“We are in this fight together”
Thierry Baudet calls out The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, the globalists, and the EU parliament and says the only chance humanity has is to unite. In this interview he talks about why all eyes are on the Netherlands right now, why the farmers are protesting, the agenda’s, mass-immigration, stupid narrow-minded politicians not able to see the big picture, and people selling their soul for short-term self-interests. He says this is the single most existential fight in the history of civilization, suggests the only way the protestors could ever make a difference, and that we must unite globally together.
Celebrities Eating Bugs
You will own nothing. You will eat the bugs. You will be happy.
Hollyfake actors are used to sell whatever the globalists want the pawns to do.
“Workforce Australia” Social Credit System
Stephen Andrew MP rants about the new Workforce Australia Digital ID Social Credit System.