Heart Damage: mRNA Vaccines (Pfizer/Moderna)
1 in every 1000 people suffering myocarditis (rather than 4.3 cases per million claimed by UK Medicine Regulator)
Covid Truth with Dr Judy Wilyman
Absolute loved this interview with Judy as it lines up to everything I researched. I’ll add the research to the post to backup everything she said.
C-19 Vaccines [Videos] Doctors & Nurses
Selection of Videos from Doctors and Nurses about the C19 Vaccines
Opposing Vaccine Passports – Australian Parliament – COVID-19
Bill Proposed & a Couple of Hearings trying to prevent vaccine discrimination and vaccine passports in Australia.
Cannot prevent disease or transmission, and worsened outcomes for vaccinated against Delta?
UK, ISRAEL, and USA now reporting alarming concerns showing increased risks for the vaccinated.
It is not “Safe” for everyone
It is not “Safe” for everyone – “Short-Term” Adverse Effects including Death.
LAWS against Mandating Vaccines
There are laws against mandating experimental medical procedures which COVID-19 vaccines currently come under.
Provisional & Still in Ongoing Clinical Trial
There are no Approved COVID Vaccines in Australia, and they are still in clinical trial.