Pineal Gland Experiment
I am re-inspired to work on the pineal gland this week after a few articles crossed my path, I lost enthusiasm for my other experiments and want to work on this one and see if I can re-experience the visions that I had a couple of months ago.
Avoid the Flu Week [Food Diary May 12]
This week “Everyone” has the flu.. it’s going around and knocking people out left, right and centre. I’m living with 2 people who are really sick with it. So my plan – do what I can to keep building up my immune system!
Conversations about COPD (Bronchitis every 2-3 months)
Bronchitis every 2-3 months happening for over a decade.
Cure Emphysema Naturally (120+ COPD remedies from around the web)
Every time I find any information on how to help/cure emphysema/COPD, I will update this post with the notes and references.
Smoothie-a-Day [Food Diary Mar 18]
No real “plan” for this week, except I want to have a smoothie everyday. So let’s see how I go.
Prep for a Change of Life Week [Food Diary Feb 27]
Alright, I’m 38 now. Preparation for a year of cleansing. The next couple of weeks will be preparation time.
Known Toxins I was exposed to this week Jan 30-Feb 5]
Cancer and cell damage is all about the cumulative effect. Since I’m becoming accountable for my diet with the food diary, I thought “why not” also become conscious of the amount of cumulative toxins I’m exposing my cells to. Week Jan 30 – Feb 5.