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Step into the highest version of you.

You’ve already experienced everything before. If you want to experience anything in this dimension, you just pull/receive/download that energy into “this” you. Receive it and step into it, naturally, appreciate it, intend it, focus on it, receive it into existence, open your heart to receive it, this is the way you bring things into this creation, this is how you create it, you become aware of it.


Releasing the “Guardians of your Soul” (the energies that are shielding you from living true)

If you find yourself sabotaging your friendships and relationships, still feeling “less than” or not worthy, not able to achieve abundance or your heart’s desires, still judging other infinite beings for not living the way you think they should live. Still trying to control outside circumstances to keep you safe, that you have walls or blockages that are trying to protect you, that are also blocking you from being able to fully experience what you came here for. To be you. The real you. The core of you.


To heal this world and help people we need to raise our vibrations

See people for who they really are: Infinite beings having a human experience. We are so much more than these limited shells. As you become more aware of your perceived limitations in this form, from a place of knowing you are so much more, you realize the futility of living the experience being anything other than who you truly are. Smile. Embrace & fully live your experiences. Create. This is what you came here for.


Today I woke up sad, insecure, overwhelmed.

Today Im caught up on thoughts that do not serve me. I dont know how long I have left, but whether its hours, days, months or years.. I want to live my truth. I choose to love fully. I choose to speak from a loving place. I choose to care deeply. I choose to be myself. I choose for people to know the real me not the mask that I wore all my life. That however long I have left in this experience, I choose to share who I really am, to be me.


OSHO – Alone

If people learn that there are unlimited ways to receive energy/life-force without taking it from “other people”, they wouldn’t need to “suck it out of others”. – My take on the Osho “Alone” Quote

Osho Alone

[Bashar] Parallel Realities – Quantum Physics – Follow your Passion [Notes]

You are all worthy. If you weren’t all worthy believe me, you wouldn’t exist. Creation does not make mistakes. Thus if you exist, you belong, there is a reason why creation is not complete without you. Stop arguing with creation. Take it at its word. If you exist, you deserve to exist, and if you deserve to exist, you deserve to be who you are as fully as you possibly can. This is just simple logic.
