Australia Records Highest Excess Deaths since WWII
Senator Babet moved a motion to create a select community to examine the high rate of unexplained excess deaths in Australia. Speeches by Senators Babet, Antic, Rennick, Roberts, and Canavan.
Senator Babet moved a motion to create a select community to examine the high rate of unexplained excess deaths in Australia. Speeches by Senators Babet, Antic, Rennick, Roberts, and Canavan.
Japanese lawmaker Mr. Yanagase Hirofumi accuses the Japanese government of covering up COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injuries and deaths, after the nation has just recorded a staggering 210,000 excess deaths – the highest number since World War II.
The Protocol That Kills: The family of Rob Skiba have written books and are currently filming a documentary and have collated the legal evidence as a warning to others about the deadly COVID Protocols.
ICU Nurses testify that patients were needlessly dying because of government’s withheld policies for treating Covid, and that all who died should be considered Murdered. Updated 10 Dec 2022.
Two top cardiologists Dr Aseem Malhotra and Dr Peter McCullough are warning everyone about the COVID “vaccines…. “Until Proven Otherwise”
In an interview on April 1, 2022, Senator Malcolm Roberts tells Maria Zee that the TGA hasn’t provided the process of how they revised 798 deaths that were reported by doctors to be attributed to the vaccine down to 11.
Another paper (on a pre-print server) showing an increased risk of death after taking the jab. Based on US/UK data, all age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of fatality after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person, and all under 80 have virtually no benefit.
People pretending this isn’t happening? Humanity has gone? At what point will this be more real to those who deny it than the fear of something that is absolutely treatable without risking experimental things with completely unknown adverse effects – on kids – who had their whole life ahead of them – these are kids!
Wow, these pharma-criminals have been scamming the world forever.