[ICU Nurses] All who died from COVID should be considered Murdered

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First Published: Feb 5, 2022. Last Updated: March 26, 2023

Everyone who died with Covid should be considered murdered. Early treatment has always been effective.

Former ICU Nurse Morgan Wallace, who has witnessed first-hand the deaths of covid patients said: “I realized that patients were needlessly dying because of government’s withheld policies for treating Covid”. and that “all who died should be considered Murdered“. She walked out and now has her own practice treating covid patients ‘before’ needing hospitalization and warns of vaccine injury by spike protein.

Former ICU Nurse Morgan Wallace – NHCS Board of Education Regular Meeting January 4, 2022.

Watch Fullscreen: Rumble | YouTube | YouTube (Spanish Subtitles)

Full School Board Meeting – Morgan Wallace @ 2hr 24m – YouTube


I’m Morgan Wallace. I’m a 10-year employee of New Hanover County [hospital].

I worked in the cardiovascular ICU for five years.

I was your last line of defense of with Covid.

We ran your heart and lungs outside your body with your chest open while you were bleeding on the floor, and what I realized was that patients were needlessly dying because of government’s withheld policies for treating Covid.

Everyone who died with Covid should be considered murdered. Early treatment has always been effective.

I walked out of the hospital on the mandate day. I have my own practice and I am the only person in town treating Covid patients prior to hospitalization.

I also watched the entire staff at the hospital including in my unit get vaccinated and then get Covid.

Amongst all other kinds of ailments, you have now loaded your body with millions of spike proteins and you are a ticking time bomb for cancer, blood clots, and whatever kind of ailment may come up in your body.

And I’m tired of hearing people go and ask doctors can they be treated for Covid, and their only option is a vaccine, or go home, or go into the hospital where you’re not going to make it out.

I’ll be happy to treat any one of you for Covid prior going to the hospital because early treatment has always worked. I’m a member of the FLCCC Alliance, NC Physicians for Freedom and the Medical Freedom Summit.

And I would ask you all to please stop choosing fear and putting masks on our kids.

The vaccine is not gonna work, early treatment has always worked, and government mismanagement of patients is why people have died.

And families have realized this and they are rising up and they are going to come after governments and the hospital.

I was highly decorated and highly respected at New Hanover. I was the November 2020 employee of excellence and I had a job opportunity this year from the chief medical director at this hospital and I chose to walk out and stand up for what is right.

So putting these masks on our kids is not going to help, nor is vaccination, and we all need to realize that.

The cat is out of the bag and people are speaking globally, including the inventor of the vaccine.”

Morgan Wallace

Original Board Meeting (Morgan Wallace @ 2hr 24m)

May 2020 | NYC nurse | Am I the only one that is not a sociopath?

Facebook | Rumble | Telegram | New Video from same nurse – Twitter

Check this video I found on Facebook (from May 2020)

NYC nurse says patients are dying from mismanagement and negligence. | NYC is the U.S. COVID-19 epicenter and the virus is impacting different ethnic groups in different ways. | By CGTN America

If you want more deaths or more profit, change the treatment protocols…

  1. “Australian guidelines” coordinated by the MAGIC, changed the covid pneumonia guideline from 3 tablets to prohibiting antibiotics (01) (02)
    1. All it needed was the “3tablets” of azithromycin which represents a course of treatment for community acquired pneumonia. Less than a dollar in many countries. If you had a negative “COVID test” you would be given those tablets. If you had a positive test, you weren’t allowed them. (03)
    2. UK Changed their azithromycin protocol to “Not Recommended” for Covid & Flu(04) (05)
  2. Most of China (lowest Covid death rate per capita in the world) used HCQ + Vitamin C + Azithromycin as “standard care” This was standard care in Australia up to March 2020. (06)
  3. NSW blocked HCQ in April 2020 (07)
  4. March 2020, Donald Trump tweeted “HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine. The FDA has moved mountains – Thank You! Hopefully they will BOTH (H works better with A, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents)…..” So apparently he’s not completely evil, but this tweet and his press statements turned political, and because of his statements, the press made HCQ and early treatment the enemy. (08)
  5. Politics blocked lifesaving medicines to patients testing positive to covid in most Western countries (09)
  6. Masking increases bacterial pneumonia risks.
  7. Outside of emergency situations, the “health advice” in Australia was do nothing (stay home, wear a mask, use sanitizer, isolate). (10)
  8. Emergency use authorization of expensive Remdesivir which causes organ failure amongst other things was recommended instead of tried & true and off-patent. (11) (12)
  9. And they put elderly people in care homes on Midazolam! (13)
  10. But I spent the first year in the medical publications and found hundreds of things that could prevent serious complications, mostly natural without requiring a doctor or hospital at all (14) (15)
  11. And lots of doctors around the world were using Ivermectin successfully. (16) (17)
  12. And these doctors treated Covid like asthma (including HCQ and Azithromycin) and treated 10,000 patients successfully (18)
  13. Dr Chetty from South Africa treated 7,000 patients with zero deaths using antihistamines and HCQ (19)
  14. I have about 200 more posts about this, newer ones getting closer and closer to the truth “there is no virus”, but the above will help those still stuck in a reality where you believe the virus is deadly.

Pulmonary Nurse for 31 Years Testifies How He Unknowingly Killed Patients Following COVID Protocols

Rumble 15th September, 2021

Albert Spence, a 31yo pulmonary nurse now no longer working as a practicing nurse due in large part to the changes in the hospitals COVID policy.

===== The Moment He Realized CDC “Created” a Pandemic =====

  • Devastated when he found out about PCR lowered to 28
  • Realized he’d “euthanized” people (they call it ‘comfort care’)
  • He saw what the PCR test had done and what it had done to his patients
  • COVID Policy change with oxygen levels and no treatment
  • Ivermectin, HCQ – nothing given – not even Tamiflu

===== PCR Change when Vaccination Rollout Started =====

  • CDC reported Jan 20th, 1.6% of Carolinians had been vaccinated
  • CDC reported Feb 20th, 7-9% – 8%
  • But we on our floor saw a 67% “decrease” in COVID Cases in South Carolina (from January 15th to February 15th), actually February 3rd but you’re not “fully considered vaccinated until it’s been in your body two weeks.

===== Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Test, PCR Elephant, Wrong Treatment =====

  • Yes COVID is real – but so is Flu/A, so how many “COVID Cases” were really flu, with this fake false, PCR-Test – cranked up to I don’t know what.
  • Fauci even said – back in July of 2020, in this Virology Weekly Podcast (link below) live he said a PCR over 35 is absolutely false.
  • CDC said “crank it up to 40” and kept me in fear of going anywhere near these rooms. That’s what brought us all this “fear”. The PCR is the Elephant in the Room
  • Yes, COVID’s real but we’ve got to jump on this like we jump on ALL respiratory infections. Early treatments with Ivermectin & HCQ.

===== He would NOT go to Hospital if he gets sick =====

  • Let me tell you, if I get sick, I am NOT going to the hospital.
  • Yes, I trust science, I just had open-heart surgery – triple bypass, April 5th.

===== COVID was Over – but Here Comes DELTA =====

  • I thought COVID was over.
  • And then, here comes Delta.
  • The same PCR that was giving us a pandemic “FALSELY” is the same PCR that “TOOK IT AWAY” when they cut the cycling down to 28 on the 20th per the CDC guidelines.
  • Now, the same PCR is giving us DELTA, Zeta, Lambda… ? Whatever.

===== Pfizer needs jabs in arms =====

  • I don’t trust them because I know they can’t let it go away because Pfizer’s got a billion more doses to stick to us. For what reason? What’s their motive? And was their any connection between the CDC CEO’s and Pfizer?
  • They are switching CEO’s back and forth – there’s no conflict of interest between the CDC, FDA and Pfizer or any other big drug companies?
  • Why did Pfizer get approved – Pfizer gave the most money to the lobbyist – and the lobbyist “lobby” their case to the FDA. It’s awful suspicious to me that Pfizer gave the most money and the lobbyists make it happen.
  • These COVID Death shots – I know of at least a couple of people who are paralysed waist-down.
  • People have been hurt & dying from the shot.
  • COVID nurse friends say “Yep, they took the shot 2 days ago and now they’ve had heart-attacks, strokes, (???), and they get all kinds of weird-nerve stuff going on, and they die.
  • It’s reported to VAERS, I get it, but a lot don’t get reported to VAERS.
  • “It’s not right POLITICS”

===== PCR Too High = Dead Nucleotides =====

Source Links:

  1. Telegram Source: S. Carolina man shares his hospital experience
  2. Full version (27 minutes):
  3. See also this video where I first found it: (38:54)

Critical Care Nurse – Remdesivir & Neglect Kills Covid Patients


Registered nurse Nicole Sirotek, testifies to Senator Ron Johnson on taking care of COVID patients in NYC.

She admits that since May 2020, she never saw a single patient die from COVID, but saw a significant number die from negligence based on the treatment protocol they were forced to use in the hospitals.

She said the pharmaceutical companies had come in and tested Remdesivir on marginalized populations that they had no advocates for because the agencies that should’ve been protecting them were closed “because we were sheltering in place”.

We could see that Remdesivir was killing patients and now it’s an FDA approved drug for Covid that is still continuing to kill patients in the United States.

You are better off in South America in a field hospital than you are in Level 1 Trauma Designer-Hospitals in the United States.

We are also getting reports from nurses that some patients haven’t been fed in 9 days, are not getting water, bathed, or turned.

“If you ask me, this isn’t a hospital – it’s a concentration camp”

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Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.