What is the Great Reset and why should I be concerned?
Great Reset starter kit for Aussies
CovID-19 (Certificate of Vaccination—ID—2019) is the largest operation to date. It includes rounding up the slaves, which are as easy to manipulate as rats, and mass tagging, experimenting, weaponizing, culling, fencing, and “playing God with” the entire human-slave-force to be controllable from a central location.
Great Reset starter kit for Aussies
FINALLY some doctors who have been calling people “antivaxxers” when they’ve pointed out the corrupt science journals are realizing that we haven’t been lying and are actually starting to realize something screwy is going on with these big pharmaceutical companies. Maybe now, we can get the truth to the general population.
If the mainstream media was doing their job, this is what we should be talking about.
After WXYZ-TV posted its appeal for stories about unvaccinated loved ones dying of COVID, they got over 258k unexpected responses.
Possible solution for Employer Vaccine Mandates (for New Zealanders)
Prof Levi and his colleagues pointed out increase of 25% in cardiac arrest calls under 40. Any attempt to deviate from the narrative is faced with a wall of hostility, rejection, and elimination.
Acting Senior Sergeant Mitchell cites ethical conflicts as the reason for speaking publicly. She quit the force after an interview with Discernable.
Cheers to all those who do their own research and have chosen to risk it all to get the truth out – in a world full of corruption and lies
Police Standing Up: Former Senior Constable Roland Chrystal of 31 years speaks out.
2030 UnMasked is a documentary revealing the connection between Covid-19, Vaccines, Masks, the Banking System, and the upcoming “Great Reset”.