The Light Shall Set You Free (notes)
Chakra’s, Meridians, Aura’s, Magnetic fields, Earth magnetic field.
Chakra’s, Meridians, Aura’s, Magnetic fields, Earth magnetic field.
On way home from Shamanic Healing. Drumming, Energy Work, Sound-healing, Feathers, Sage, Crystals, and Spirit Guides.
Jamie Butler interviews the collective “Ra” as channelled by Darshana Patel
Do you believe in Aliens? What about Psychics? Where are you at .. how do you put the puzzle together for Life’s Mysteries?
Notes from approximately the first hour .. will take notes as I continue watching it over the next few days and add new posts or re-organize these notes.. but I highly recommend watching this so far… it’s very similar to how I healed myself.. and I learnt new understandings as to why I felt like my “intentions” and the “knowing that I would heal” was the very thing that healed me… so more notes to come and watch the video! With Focused Attention to glean as much knowledge as you can – especially if you need to heal yourself xo
Yep, I dreamt of Angels branding me with a Symbol and injecting me with a syringe… anyone know how help me interpret the meaning?
SJM January 30 at 5:48pm CH why not try the above diet for a month and see if it helps […]
Another Dr. Masaru Emoto experiment to help change the world as we know it. What if it’s the “intention” rather than the “method” that holds the healing power?