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CFR – Council on Foreign Relations (NWO)

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) cfr.org

Best Geoengineering Links

The invisible and visible can completely destroy the world and wipe us all out, so I don’t want to downplay it or wait until I’ve finished my research before I put it out there as it’s something we all should be trying to learn as much about if we want to help the future generations get through the next decade. Scratchpad: Cloud Seeding, Chemtrails, Aerosol Vaccines, HAARP, and Blocking out the Sun.


The Great Awakening [Documentary]

Brand new Covid > Communism/Dictatorship > WEF > Great Reset documentary (June 2023)

Good for: Those just starting to wake up that something is not right in the world. A good background documentary to have on hand when your friends and loved ones visit.


David Rockefeller (C-SPAN Clips)

I just re-watched a clip from David Rockefeller (June 12, 1915 – March 20, 2017) at the 1994 forum (Annual Ambassadors’ Dinner) which inspired me to try and hunt down the original footage, which helped me find all of the times he’s been featured on c-span.org…

David Rockefeller

Melinda Gates July 2020 (All I hear is Eugenics)

July 2020—Melinda Gates (or whoever it really is) on contraception: getting vaccines into Healthcare workers first, then the most vulnerable (all I hear is eugenics: sterilization; take out the health system first, then take out the “useless eaters”).


Download Research

Everything I’ve saved so far in my quest to get answers during the pandemic. Truth is all I seek.


[Prof Nazar] C19 Vaccine-Bioweapon Genocide (paper & presentation)

Scientific proof of the PLANdemic with 2000+ peer-reviewed published references. At the very end of a very long 9-hour livestream in April 2022 was a presentation by Professor Federico A. Nazar on a paper he took 2 years to write that has been heavily censored online and in the academic world. It collates the majority of information we’ve all been researching into one paper, kicking the mainstream narrative to the curb.
