Debt, Free Web Services, & the Ubuntu Lifestyle [Video]
Work-drive Ramble. Need to Get rid of Debt. Offering Free Services, Ubuntu Lifestyle
Work-drive Ramble. Need to Get rid of Debt. Offering Free Services, Ubuntu Lifestyle
Looking for accountability partners and like-minds who want to check-in once a week who are running a business whilst travelling.
Your Core Identity holds your greatest desires, hopes, and dreams. It’s all about the deep, meaningful experiences you really want out of life. It’s who you are meant to be.
Brainstorming ideas for freedom solutions – downsizing, minimalism, entrepreneurship, scrutinizing expenses & debts… and more…
The Prosperity Secret by Markus Rothkranz is an interesting read that highlights the most important things in life, and is a recommended read for those who want to make a difference in the world, live clean & with more meaning, and to get paid to start living your mission. A business book? not really. A mindset cleanup book? definitely.
Let me know if a year away from the game has skewed my thinking at all and if you have anything to add/remove :)
I will try your business plan & be your case-study – what have you got for me? Preferably infomarketing, niche […]
These very well-known effective methods are things we all know we should be doing to super-charge our online publicity, but for some reason, we put off
Having a blog is one of the easiest, fastest things you can do for your business. The install? Just a few minutes. By the end of a weekend, you’ll have a fully-fledged blog ready to show-off to your friends and family and ready for you to have a platform to start promoting and building your brand.