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† Prof Luc Montagnier (Virologist)

[Prof Nazar] C19 Vaccine-Bioweapon Genocide (paper & presentation)

Scientific proof of the PLANdemic with 2000+ peer-reviewed published references. At the very end of a very long 9-hour livestream in April 2022 was a presentation by Professor Federico A. Nazar on a paper he took 2 years to write that has been heavily censored online and in the academic world. It collates the majority of information we’ve all been researching into one paper, kicking the mainstream narrative to the curb.


[2022] Grand Jury

Presenting all the available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic.
(Includes transcript of Overview/Opening Statement.)


Virologist Luc Montagnier (1932- Feb 2022)

Luc Montagnier who died on the 8th of February 2022, confirmed HIV is in the Spike Protein and has been outspoken along with other virologists about not vaccinating during a pandemic and instead focusing on improving your innate immunity because vaccinating during a pandemic would cause mutant variants, among other warnings such as possible brain and neurological disorders. He is a French Virologist of 78 years and was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in the year 2008 for discovering the HIV virus and was scheduled to take a part in the Grand Jury Proceeding hearing on February 12, 2022. Just a few weeks ago, he spoke in the Luxembourg parliament against the mandates, calling the injections poison and not vaccines at all.


An Australian Engineer Speaks Out – The Many Mysteries of Covid

I remember when one or two of my friends were telling me sometime in 2021 about the origins of the pandemic and the hidden dangers of the vaccines. I didn’t take them too seriously, thinking that they had gone a tad too far down the conspiratorial road. However, out of a mixture of curiosity and duty to myself, I decided to do some research – with the view that I’d be able to determine that they’d been victims of too much-sensationalised information. Given that I used to head up the R&D division of a $700-million organisation, and that I’ve managed a wide variety of literally hundreds of corporate projects, I figured that it was a challenge that I could take on. Also, given that I have an engineering PhD that has helped me think critically, and that I’m very much a “show me the facts” type of guy, I figured that it wouldn’t be difficult to put any and all crazy conspiracies to bed.
