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FDA (villain)

FDA “Future Framework” Democide-Decision

How you know the world is run by evil reason — what number are we up to now? Unbelievable – the FDA could skip clinical trials in future to save the mRNA industry from the utter failures – where are the good guys… where?


Dr. EV Rapiti

Another doctor calling out Fauci, FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, WEF, Gates, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media for Crimes against Humanity.


Dr Robert Malone clips on UN, WEF & WHO Pandemic Treaty

Clips from Dr Robert Malone’s recent talks on the agenda behind the WHO Pandemic Treaty, the inflated COVID death numbers due to government policies, World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, the CCP/Gates WHO influence, and why people who get Covid vaccines are causing immune suppression, increasing the risks of becoming infected, hospitalized or dying.

global covid summit