Press Releases
Today’s Checklist:
- How to Get your Press Release to all the big news networks (Google, Yahoo, MSN), etc.
- How to “sneak” your link into your PressRelease
- How to get your Press Release accepted by journalists.
How to Get your Press Release to all the big news networks (Google, Yahoo, MSN), etc.
The answer is
For $20, you can get your press release to all the big news networks with these guys! They will do the hard work for you :)
How to get your Press Release accepted by journalists.
- Put yourself in the headset of a journalist with a marketing mind as well
- Headline is all important for keywords (for both your site, and the journalists searching for press releases)
- It has to sound like a news story
How to “sneak” your link into your PressRelease
- To get your link into the press release, say something like “YourName of” says..
- Contact information at the end of the release
eg: Penny Butler of said that to understand
the Law of Attraction, you must first understand its underlying
counterpart, The Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration states that
EVERYTHING vibrates (everything moves). etc, etc.
Press Release Checklist
- Company Letterhead, Name, Address, Phone Number, Web Address
- PRESS RELEASE in all caps
- Contact Person’s Name
- Immediate Release or Release Date(all caps)
- BODY-Date/City-who,what,when,where and why.
- Catchy Text
- Sum it up…
- Basic Font, Double Spaced, Page Numbers, and ###
- Action Plan/Calendar
Extra Sources of Info for Writing Press Releases:
How to Write a Press Release by Luan Aten (source for the Press Release Checklist)
WikiHow: How to Write a Press Release (this one is excellent!)
Tips, Guidelines and Templates for Writing an Effective Press Release (this one has a fantastic Press Release template!)
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