Kidney Health & Eye Fatigue Research [Food Diary May 26]

Looking worse for wear lately.. if I were to diagnose by my face lines.. my kidney’s need some help, so I need to ramp up the sleep thing and the hydration – definitely not been having enough water lately and I think that’s the reason I look like a hospital patient. But basically – for past 2 days, the comments from ‘every’ random acquaintance conversations have been “you look sick, you look tired, you look different”… and I agree, looking in the mirror, I’m not exactly radiating ‘health’. I feel fine though but I haven’t been having enough sleep, I’ve not been eating the best, and I’m most likely pretty dehydrated due to not keeping up my water intake.
Sooo, to counteract it, this week I’m going to be researching what I can do to improve my kidneys and that ‘fatigue’ look under my eyes.
I need to research further, but I’m wondering whether I’m overdoing it on the kale, turmeric, nuts and bananas (all high in potassium). The kidneys regulate the potassium and those with kidney disease I think have problems with high potassium foods. I don’t think I have kidney disease, and I will look into this further as the week progresses, but right now I’m just “mindful” that maybe I need to adjust my levels.
On the other hand, the same foods are supposed to be good for kidneys. So much information that contradicts each other, sadly. So all you can do is do the best you can, trust your instincts, and know that what you “think” is good, is what is going to work best. So just by me doubting the above foods, it’s already negating some of the good effects it could be doing for me. Our intention creates our realities.
These herbs are good as a kidney tonic and there are no excuses, I have all of them already, so I will start drinking them as a tea or even adding them straight into my smoothies:
- Dandelion
- Stinging Nettle
- Marshmallow Root
Good for Kidney Health & Eyes
Other things that are apparently good to add for kidney health (or darkness under eyes) are:
- Watermelon
- Garlic
- Parsley
- Cranberry // will take in supplement form
- Vitamin C: (01) Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Kale, Spinach, Romaine (Cos) Lettuce, Green Beans, Asparagus, Bell Peppers, Strawberries, Pineapple, Grapefruit, Tomatoes, Raspberries // strengthens blood vessel walls, rejuvenates skin’s collagen
- Vitamin A: (02) Papaya, Mangoes, Peaches, Pumpkins, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Butternut Squash (Butternut Pumpkin), Winter Squash, Cantaloupe, Dried Apricots, Turnip, Beets, Mustard Greens, Collards, Dark Lettuce, Peas // good for skin
- Vitamin E: (03) Hazelnuts, Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Swiss Chard, Legumes, Shellfish, Fish, Plant Oils // maintains strong, elastic skin, fights enzyme that breaks down collagen.
- Iron: (04) Brown Rice, Oatmeal, Lentils, Spinach, Prunes, Egg Yolks, Chicken, Lean Beef // Iron deficiencies hinder oxygen supply in body tissues & impair tissue production.
- Vitamin K: (05) Sage, Oregano, Thyme, Celery, Cucumber, Leeks, Prunes, Grapes (Red), Pears, Plums, Kidney Beans, Eggplant // regulates blood clotting, strengthens capillary walls to prevent blood leakage which can form dark circles.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids: (06) (07) Salmon, Walnuts // Increases blood flow below the skin’s surface
- Potassium-Rich Foods (08)
- Staying Hydrated – with Water, Fresh Juices, Green Smoothies, Coconut Water, Herbal Teas
- Physical Activity: (09) Rebounding, Meditation, Walk/Jog in Nature, Tai Chi, QiGong, Yoga, Dancing, Swimming in Ocean, Weight lifting
- Sweating: (10) Exercise with lots of clothes, Sauna, Warm Tea in a Hot room, Cayenne Pepper
- Increasing Fat Intake for 8 weeks: (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) Like bacon, cream, poultry, seafood, eggs, butter, coconut oil, & olive oil, (The Ketogenic Diet, is a specialized high-fat, low carbohydrate diet that may reverse impaired kidney function in people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes) (increase also: lettuce, spinach, kale, collards, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage)
- Decreasing Carbohydrates for 8 weeks: (16) as above, cutting out foods like Sugar, Syrup, Honey, Alcohol, Grain, Flour, Cereals, Bread, Corn, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Lima Beans, Peas, Okra, Artichokes, Canned anything, Processed anything, Fruit (dried, fresh, and frozen), Beans, Lentils, Soda, Fruit Juice, Milk
Things that are bad for kidneys / under eyes:
- Sleep Deprivation // that was definitely me last week, forcing myself to get up many hours earlier than my normal time, not getting enough sleep, different work hours, etc. Need to be more mindful and forward thinking.
- Smoking // smoking is a major factor in the development of kidney disease, so I need to cut down and start figuring out how to rid of them once and for all.
- Fast Foods (17) (18) // sort of fits in with the above, if I am not expected to work, but get called in, my routine goes out of whack, I rush, I don’t have anything prepared for any last-minute “oh crap, I need to eat now or I won’t be able to eat for another 6 hours”, etc. So I need to come up with a backup plan – something that I can reach-for in those unplanned moments that is fast, easy, and nutritious so that I don’t end up pulling into a drivethru for food
- Stress // I don’t “feel” stress much anymore, but my body is probably feeling it at certain times, when it’s sleep deprived and lack of nutrition, hydration, etc. Stress effects every disease, but can also be seen on the face.
- Alcohol (19) // I don’t drink anymore, but obviously alcohol would affect people’s face
- Vitamin D Deficiency // The weather is cold here now, and so my diet has changed, and I haven’t seen the sun in a while either. I do not intend to take supplemental vitamin D, but I do need to make an effort to get outside when I can.
- Homemade Mascara // last week I made some homemade mascara from egg yolk & activated charcoal. I overdid it on the charcoal and that probably is also causing people to say “you look different”.. and not in a ‘good way’. So I need to take the time to make a new batch with less charcoal.
- Caffeine // obviously need to be mindful of my intake
- Medication // doesn’t affect myself, but someone reading this might have medication that causes kidney problems or eye fatigue
- Avoid Foods that Kill: (20) (21) Margarine, Table Salt, Chlorinated Water, Antibiotics, Aspartame, MSG, Pesticides, Carcinogens, Milk / Hormones, Food additives, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Chocolate, Sweeteners, Refined Oils, Toxins, Baking Powder, Fried/Smoked/Grilled Foods, Soft Drink
Ok, next shopping day list.. not that much different than normal.. bold is new
- Watermelon, Strawberries, Bananas, Tomatoes
- Garlic, Prunes
- Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Kale, Asparagus, Bell Peppers, Carrots, Celery
- Eggs, Lean Beef, Bacon
- Butter
Not really going to give up the fruit since I feel so good on fruit and I’m hardly going to cut out something as good as fruit.. maybe down the track I can do an 8 week cut… if I don’t continue to gain noticeable benefits from consuming at lease some fruit daily.
Going to heavily increase my intake of Coconut Oil which I buy in huge tubs now so that won’t be a problem.
After considering that my high intake of Kale might be the cause of my eye problems, I’ve decided that I’m an idiot for thinking that. Not to say that others are idiots if they think that. I don’t think I have kidney ‘disease’, I think the cause is mostly dehydration and lack of sleep, and I’m going to continue with my daily kale for now because the last few days I haven’t had any, and I miss it. Already feel like I’ve had my “kale fast” and I want it back on my plate :)
Monday 26th May, 2014
- Arginine
- 2 x Coffees
- Chicken & Avocado Salad (Chicken, Avocado, Red Capsicum, Mixed Lettuce, Red Onion)
- Fresh Juice (Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Ginger, Watermelon, Beetroot)
- Potato Cake
- Fresh Juice (Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Ginger, Pineapple)
- Vitamin C & Bicarb Water
- Coffee
- Sweet Potato Pizza (Lebanese Bread, Tomato Paste, Black Seeds, Nori Flakes, Paprika, Turmeric, Cayenne Pepper, Chilli Flakes, Garlic, Nutritional Yeast, Black Pepper, Steamed Pumpkin, Steamed Sweet Potato, Spring Onion, Coriander, Cherry Tomatoes, Parmesan Cheese)
- Mixed Lettuce, Olive Oil
- Fruit & Nut Chocolate
- Water
Tuesday 27th May, 2014
- Arginine
- Coffee
- Banana Pancakes (3 Sml Bananas, Chia Seed, Hemp Seeds, Shredded Coconut, 2 Eggs, Strawberries, Dates, Flaked Almonds, Cinnamon, Cacao Powder, Coconut Oil)
- Olive Leaf Extract, Hydrogen Peroxide
- Fresh Juice (Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Ginger, Watermelon)
- Vitamin C & Bicarb Water
- Potato Cake
- Fresh Juice (Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Ginger, Pineapple)
- Vitamin C & Bicarb Water
- Coffee
- Salad (Mixed Greens, Raw Cauliflower, Raw Broccoli, Spring Onion, Raw Pumpkin, Black Seeds)
- Veggie Burger & Chicken Tender with Curry Powder, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Coconut Oil
- Side-dish of sister’s Chow Mein (Beef mince, Carrots, Cabbage, not really sure what else she put in it)
- Water
- Coffee
- 4 Drops Iodine + 1 Drop on Skin
- Magnesium Oil
- Water
Wednesday 28th May, 2014

- Arginine
- Coffee
- McDonalds – umm some breakfast burger (which was dry & disgusting), hashbrown, Medium Latte
- Fresh Juice (Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Ginger, Celery)
- Vitamin C & Bicarb Water
- Medium Latte
- Cheesecake
- Coffee x 2
- 4 Pieces of Chocolate
- Mashed Cauliflower with Butter, Olive Oil, Brussels Sprout, Nutritional Yeast, Himilayan Salt
- Steamed Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Broccoli
- Raw Pumpkin
- Steamed Sweet Potato, with Nutritional Yeast, Black Pepper, Parmesan Cheese, Butter
- Chicken Tender with Coconut Oil, Paprika, Turmeric
Thursday 29th May, 2014
Not “flowing” today.. :)
- Arginine
- Dates, Brazil Nuts
- Coffee
- Banana & Egg Pancakes (2 Bananas, 2 Eggs, Chia Seeds, Coconut Oil, Flaked Almonds, Strawberries, Sunflower Seeds) – just a disaster really, just couldn’t make it work for me today, no idea what I did wrong.
- Latte
- 1/2 Sardine Pizza – what was I thinking? I was thinking – crap, I have no food.. what’s in the cupboard.. crap -lots of cans of Sardines. Ok. Pizza. Bad idea, stinks to high heaven and I’m not a fan. Tasted ok with all the rest of the ingredients but it’s one of those “never again” meals. Hope it does some teeth remineralization.
- Lebanese Bread, Tomato Paste, Fresh Coriander, Nori Flakes, Black Seeds, Walnuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Cayenne Pepper, Paprika, Turmeric, Cherry Tomatoes, Spring Onions, Can Sardines, Parmesan Cheese, Oregano, Basil
- Water
- Coffee
- Water
- 2 x Chlorella
Friday 30th May, 2014
- Arginine
- Coffee
- Banana
- Dates
- Brazil Nuts
- Coffee
- Olive Leaf Extract
- Chicken & Aioli Wrap, Fries, Latte
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin C & Bicarb Water
- Fresh Juice (Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Ginger, Orange)
- Fresh Juice (Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Ginger, Celery)
- Potato Cake
- Chicken Tender with Turmeric, Cayenne Pepper, Black Pepper, Coconut Oil
- Mixed Lettuce with Flaked Almonds, Spring Onion, Fresh Coriander, Spring Onion
- Steamed & Mashed Cauliflower, Broccoli, and Brussel Sprouts with Nutritional Yeast, Himilayan Salt, Olive Oil
- Water
- Olive Leaf Extract
- Melatonin
Saturday 31st May, 2014
- Arginine
- Coffee
- Banana
- Lentil As Anything Vegetarian Mix (Bit of everything – Chickpea curry, Lentil Curry, Coconut Curry, Cabbage, Chocolate Rice, Roast Potatoes, Coffee Cake)
- Latte
- Vitamin C & Bicarb Water
- KFC – Wrap, 3 Wings, Fries
- Pineapple
- Water
Sunday 1st June, 2014
- Arginine
- Coffee
- Muesli
- Olive Leaf Extract
- Vitamin B
- Large Latte
- Fresh Juice (Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Celery)
- Fresh Juice (Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Celery, Watermelon)
- Potato Cake
- Dhal, Rice, Pc Chicken Tikka
- Vitamin C & Bicarb Water
- Coffee
- Sweet n Sour Chicken & Rice (Thanks for Dinner, Sis!)
- Olive Leaf Extract
- Water
- Dates
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A big thank you for your article. Thanks Again. Great.
hi! I love your research so much!