Sweet Potato & Lentil Soup

Sweet Potato & Red Lentil Soup
Modifying the Heart Foundation Soup to make it even healthier, as well as use the leftover ingredients.
- Coconut Oil
- 3 Spring Onions
- Garlic Cloves
- 2 tsp Paprika
- 1 tsp Cumin
- 3 tsp Turmeric
- 1 tsp Cayenne Pepper
- 1 tsp Curry Powder
- 2 x Sweet Potatoes steamed
- 1 cup Red Lentils steamed
- 1 Tbsp Vegetable Stock with 1 Cup Filtered Water
- Extra Cup Filtered Water
- Rest of my Fresh Coriander bunch
- Steam Sweet Potatoes & Red Lentils, 10 minutes
- Mix Stock with 1 cup of filtered water
- Sauté coconut oil, 1 Tbsp Veggie Stock, whites of Spring Onions, garlic, paprika, turmeric, cayenne pepper, cumin, curry in Med-Large Saucepan
- Remove peel from sweet potatoes and roughly chop
- Add Sweet Potatoes & Lentils to Saucepan
- Add rest of Stock & Extra cup Water to saucepan
- Heat & Simmer until Red Lentils have cooked (10-15 mins)
- Pureé
- Stir in Fresh Coriander, and the greens of the Spring Onions
- Add black pepper & himilayan salt if desired
I used Spring Onions instead of normal yellow/brown onions because that's all I had Adapted from Heart Foundation
I used Spring Onions instead of normal yellow/brown onions because that's all I had Adapted from Heart Foundation
On a tight budget for the next few days, so making this red lentil & sweet potato soup out of my leftover groceries :)

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