What would you whisper into the hearts of the living?

Pretend for a moment that you’re dead, and really take it seriously. Now you are one of the ancestors. What would it be that you would want to be whispering into the lives of the living? That is how you discern your morality and ethics & what to listen for.
- Forgive quicker than you imagine possible.
- Establish benevolence in your relationships.
- Don’t worry about how other people are treating me – I should be concerned only with how I am treating myself & others.
Once you do this exercise, you know what you’re listening for when seeking guidance. You can weed out the social conditioning since birth and live more from your own soul.. your true self – that part of you – that higher part of you that is no longer “caught up” in the daily bombardment of everyday dramas. A ‘higher perspective’.
We are living very artificially because of our language, culture, family, society, media, schools, etc. but we still “contain” the true self which we are always trying to uncover – our authenticity is buried beneath all the coverings of social conditioning.
Some of us are experiencing a level where we have stepped onto the path of trying to awaken our true self; seeking freedom in every sense of the word. A path towards destroying every influence / obstacle of the past that seeks to destroy your joy of life and sense of confidence – to create yourself as you have always wished to be rather than allowing others to define you. A transformation, a metamorphosis.
What is the true nature of this physical existence?

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