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[Lecture] Gut bacteria, Mind control, & Immunity

We are dealing with NWO-Food (lab-substitutes, toxins, gmo’s, chemicals, antibiotics in livestock, pesticides, blah blah blah – it’s endless) which wrecks havoc on our bodies. By now we all should be realizing the importance of cleaning up what we put in or on our bodies, but one important and often overlooked area is our gut health.


[TedTalk] How to make diseases disappear

After his son nearly died and was unresponsive & lifeless, this medical doctor had a wake-up call. 3 days later, it was discovered that his son had a low level of calcium in his blood caused by a low level of Vitamin D. When his son nearly died from a preventable vitamin deficiency – and he as his father was a doctor that knew nothing about it, he was harrowed in guilt and started reading and learning a lot of science that he did not learn in medical school. From that turning point, he realized that diseases are just an illusion….


Miguel Escobar – School Board Meeting (2021) (+Refs & follow-up interviews)

Miguel Escobar – School Board Meeting (Viral video & documents). Yeah this is old (Mid-2021) but I’ve always wanted to compile the interviews and the documents and links and everything but didn’t have the time in 2021 when we were urgently and desperately trying to wake up our own communities before they got the entire world’s population to follow the pied piper…


Placebo/Nocebo, Faith & Science (Brand/Campbell)

Russell Brand asks Dr John Campbell to explain what “Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trials” actually means and what that means in terms of the power of both the ‘Placebo’ and ‘Nocebo’ effects. Nice short clip that will remind you of the power of belief, and maybe make you think a little about why the media misledia are keeping humanity in a constant state of fear and hopelessness.


Honduras went from 70% Covid Mortality to Zero Deaths at a National Level

With only 125 critical care beds for a population of 9 million people, Honduras was getting slaughtered by Covid and had a 70% mortality rate – they had to think outside of the box to get on top of things, and with early treatment and public messaging, they were able to conquer Covid. Hear first-hand what happens when doctors are listened to by their governments and when the media isn’t bought off by pharma and actually advocate for their frontline doctors.


7000+ C19 Patients (0 Deaths). Cause: “Allergen to Spike Protein Man-Made Poison” [Testimony]

Dr. Chetty has personally successfully treated well over 7,000 Covid patients in South Africa since the beginning of the pandemic with on-label drugs. He investigated early on to devise a treatment regime to prevent people becoming critically ill and set up a tent in his parking lot where patients could be out in the sun and fresh air where he began his own clinical study, and through meticulous observation and examining each one of them personally, he was able to discern the nature of Covid-19 as a two-phase illness with a respiratory and an allergic phase. The allergen being the Spike Protein Man-Made Poison.

Dr. Shankara Chetty