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[AC] Devil’s Horns

They’ve normalized it for Rock Stars to do the “Devil’s Horns”… it does however get a bit weirder when it’s politicians and religious figures..


Songs about Selling your Soul

Looking further into the Music & Hollyweird “Satanic” connection (and still trying to give “benefit of the doubt”), I wanted to see if they were portraying Luciferian or Devil themes in a “positive” way i.e. some kind of belief in enlightenment or “illumination”, or whether they see it as selling their values and principles and morals for fame, or some other belief that might be misconstrued by those that are accusing them of selling their souls “to the devil”, or whether they are singing about Lucifer and devil as some kind of demonic force.


If I tell you the apple is poison & you still eat it, I didn’t poison you; you poisoned yourself ~ Satan

Why Don’t They Hide The Democide Better? Here is the ONLY explanation that makes sense to me on why it’s so easy to find all the evidence against them and why they aren’t hiding the data from us. (Karmic Retribution – if they aren’t hiding it and we still allow ourselves to be poisoned or don’t do anything to stop it, we’re complicit & are responsible & “deserve” any negative consequences, i.e. “they” didn’t kill us; we “killed ourselves” ~ Satanists)


Pilgrim Society (Who the heck are they?)

If you’ve been with me on this journey from “strictly mainstream” to “what the fu*k is really going on?” “WHO is doing this to us and WHY?” and “How did this happen? How did it get so far?”, then you might be interested in this interview and book I stumbled upon.
