Vaccine Passports & Total Population Control [Videos]
Segregating on their vaccine status, passports, and Total Population Control – Human Slaves.
Segregating on their vaccine status, passports, and Total Population Control – Human Slaves.
Fraudulent Labelling: Agenda 2030 – The Way the United Nations is Dragging the World into the Abyss – the “New Normal” is for “The Common Good”, and other Lies.
Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres signed an agreement to accelerate Agenda 2030 back in June 2019.
G7 public policy announced. Digital cash could be programmed to ensure it is only spent on essentials or goods which “an employer or government” deems to be sensible.
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s remarks at the United Nations General Assembly Delivered on 24 September 2019 make it seem like he is warning us of Smart Cities Total Surveillance over its citizens, but in the same breath, talks of the benefits.
Presenting all the available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic.
(Includes transcript of Overview/Opening Statement.)
“It’s a Big Club and You and I, are not in it”! ~ Stephen Andrew MP (Member for Mirani, Queensland)
“You have to understand the agenda, you have to understand who is bringing it about and why, before you can see the manipulations and how people are being used and manipulated to bring it about”. ~ Milton William Cooper
Never thought I’d see a Liberal do this – are things changing in Australia, are people waking up?
“It’s imperative that we do all that we can to preserve our liberty and find out just how far the WEF has infiltrated our country and our institutions.” ~ Senator Alex Antic, Liberal, South Australia
This article begins with the simple question of how adjuvants in traditional vaccines are theorized to work and proceeds to analyze how the new injectable mRNA platforms deploy nanomaterials as delivery vehicles for genetic interventions with a range of other potential actions inside the human body, both intended and unintended. The authors aim to disentangle the known, unknown, possible and likely contents and objectives of COVID-19 injections, in the context of the surrounding corporate, political, and ideological landscape. They conclude that the social disruptions created by COVID-19 have served as a means of instigating rapid transition to what unelected policymakers have called a Bio-Nano Age.