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Pfizer Deaths – Kids (VAERS)

People pretending this isn’t happening? Humanity has gone? At what point will this be more real to those who deny it than the fear of something that is absolutely treatable without risking experimental things with completely unknown adverse effects – on kids – who had their whole life ahead of them – these are kids!


Athletes who “suddenly” died or collapsed since vax rollout

Are our governments doing enough to alert us about the risks of Covid vaccines Pfizer, AstraZenica and Moderna? Since mid-2021 there has been a increasingly high number of “sudden and unexpected” deaths and collapses due to cardiac issues in sport. Stop automatically-calling “Coincidence” for any adverse reaction that could be related to a planetary-wide global rollout of experimental biologicals that are still in an ongoing clinical trial – especially when young athletes are not at risk of serious disease in the first place.


89.7% cases occurred among the fully vaccinated

89.7% cases occurred among the fully vaccinated, 3.4% among the unvaccinated — “It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures.” — The Lancet — Published: November 19, 2021
