Supplements, Herbs and Super Foods for Radiation Protection [Notes]
My notes (so far) about supplements, herbs and foods to remove cesium (radioactive fallout from Fukushima)
My notes (so far) about supplements, herbs and foods to remove cesium (radioactive fallout from Fukushima)
Stay away from these: 1.) Caffeine, 2.) Sugar, 3.) Wheats/Breads (Gluten). One big salad a day will change your life. Clean diet, enjoy raw (ethereal life-force). You are a reflection of the people you surround yourself with. 5-10 minutes of “interval training” is better than long workouts. More plant-based foods – LOTS of vegetables. Non-sweet fruit. Good quality fats. Detox heavy metals / chemicals, & limit exposure. and more…
4000 people in this study and literally – you could be a heavy smoker with a bad heart and you would have better survival odds than a poorly-stress-adapted totally healthy person.
Fecal transplantation, Probiotics & Prebiotics.. tiny notes from the interview…
Foods are ultimately devised – all their energy – from the power of the sun. People think they need a balanced diet of food, when what they really need is a balanced diet of ‘light’. “Eat sunlight” Food is really just a proxy for light. Life was built from light.
The body is an instrument that we can use, to connect more deeply with our own sense of authenticity and reality & the more we do this – the more our concept of who we are will change.
We’re prime-creators of our existence & expression. Fear is the ultimate disease. The only thing we have to fear is the illusion of fear. We’re the generators of the faith or we’re the generators of the fear. If we want things to change, we must be the change. We must love ourselves. At the same time that happens, immediately – we have love for others, the planet, and for the suffering that’s going on.
Add these into your daily lifestyle to naturally eliminate & displace toxic heavy metals in your body.
Notes from Dr. Daniel Amen – Bulletproof podcast interview about Brain Health
How I boost my immune system and regenerate my cells