Rants & Comments
Conversations about Mindset on YouTube, Facebook, and eMail
Create the world you want to create
Remove all those limitations and negative energies, your life-long stories that are preventing you from being the version of you that you want.. you are a part of this system.
Don’t we all challenge our existence at different times in our lives?
Don’t we all challenge our existence at different times in our lives? I think that’s what makes us human…what separates us from animals.. that we are actually capable of challenging what life is… conscious enough to even have the ability to question our own realities. To ‘wonder’.
[QA] Do Atheists believe in souls or higher consciousness?
Posed this question to my Facebook friends … lol.. I guess I was asking for it.. although I really was curious.. as to whether Atheists believe in souls or higher consciousness
Reincarnation / Enlightenment / Eben Alexander [Responses #6]
Social Media Discussions, Facebook Comments, YouTube Responses, etc
[QA] Gun Ownership in Australia & Fear-Based Living
Social Media Discussions, Facebook Comments, YouTube Responses, etc
[QA] The great thing about Depression
Social Media Discussions, Facebook Comments, YouTube Responses, etc
[QA] Being Fake, No Job Resonates after you Awaken
Social Media Discussions, Facebook Comments, YouTube Responses, etc
[QA] Taking Responsibility for State of Humanity
Social Media Discussions, Facebook Comments, YouTube Responses, etc